He was born at  December 24 1923 in Sungai Penuh. His name is H Imam Suar. The name of Imam because he is the leader of prayer in the Parabek village, but we called him Inyik  Imam.

Inyik Imam is the senior teacher in Madrasah Sumatera Thawalib Parabek. He is very recommended, very careful, always keep smile in his lips and keep silent in his action when the young teacher ask to something about their subject in the class. He is very familiar, that  makes the young teachers not shy and not afraid to meet him to discuss about religion knowledge.The young teachers improve and survive in their subject because of his advice.

He passed away seven years ago, but the energy of his spirit is kept in every soul of teachers, students and everyone who knows him.


Parabek, 05 September 2018 Writen by Anna Gusnawita, SE